Microsoft Excel Formats

You can export your report output to several different Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software formats.

Excel 2007 and Excel 2007 Data formats render report output in native Excel XML format, also known as XLSX. This format provides a fast way to deliver native Excel spreadsheets to Microsoft Excel 2002, Microsoft Excel 2003, and Microsoft Excel 2007. Users of Microsoft Excel 2002 and Microsoft Excel 2003 must install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack, which provides file open and save capabilities for the new format.

Excel 2007 provides fully formatted reports for use in Microsoft Excel version 2007.

The output is similar to other Excel formats, with the following exceptions:

Excel 2007 Data provides data for use in Microsoft Excel version 2007. These reports only contain minimal formatting. Default data formatting is applied to the data based on data type and assumes that each column has a single data type.

The output is similar to other Excel formats, with the following exceptions:

Excel 2002 provides fully formatted reports for use in Microsoft Excel versions earlier than 2007. The maximum size of worksheets is 65,536 rows by 256 columns.