Manage Your Own Data Source Credentials

It is important to manage data source credentials for your users because these credentials are required for certain tasks.

You may be prompted for your data source credentials when you perform the following actions:

Before you begin

If you are a user, your administrator must give you execute permissions for the Manage own data source signons capability and traverse permissions for its ancestors. You must also have read and traverse permissions on your account. You can then save credentials to your personal profile, as long as you do not have access to any predefined signons for the data source. You are not prompted for your credentials if you have permission to access an existing data source credential and you have saved the personal credential in your profile. You can view and delete your data source credentials from the My Preferences page.

To view another user's credentials, you must have read and traverse permissions on the user's account. To remove data source credentials, you must have read, write, and transverse permissions on the user's account.