Rerun a Failed Entry Task

You can resubmit a failed entry.

When an entry, such as a report, agent task, or job, runs according to a schedule or runs in the background and the fails, you can resubmit the failed entry with the same options that were specified in the original run.

For a job that contains steps that ran successfully and steps that did not run successfully, you are not required to rerun the entire job but only the individual job steps. If the job steps are run sequentially, you can rerun the job starting with the failed job step. If you wish, you can select which steps to rerun and skip the failed steps. However, the selected job steps run sequentially and if a step fails, then the steps that occur after the failed step are not run.

When you rerun a job step individually, a new run history that includes only the single job step is created for the parent job. For more information about run histories, see View the Run History for Entries.

When rerunning an agent entry, associated tasks, such as an email that sends report output to a list of email recipients, are also rerun if they failed initially. If there are two associated tasks running in parallel and one task fails and one succeeds, rerunning the agent only reruns the failed task. However, if tasks are selected to run on failure, they are run again when the rerun fails.

Although the run history shows entries that ran successfully, you cannot rerun an entry that succeeded. The run options are not stored for these entries.

A rerun can fail when a task associated with a failed entry is deleted or updated.

Before you begin

You must have execute permissions to rerun a failed task.


  1. In IBM® Cognos® Connection, in the upper-right corner, click the my area button My area icon, click My Activities and Schedules, and in the left pane, click Past Activities.
  2. Next to the entry, click the arrow and then click View run history details View run history icon.

    The View run history details page shows run details, such as start time and completion time, run status, and error messages for a failed run. Other information that appears in the page depends on whether the entry is for a single task, a job with multiple steps, or an agent with tasks. For example, if it is a single task, the report options and the report outputs appear. If it is a job with multiple steps, a Job section appears with the run details of the job steps.

  3. Under Status, next to Failed, click Rerun.
    • If the rerun task is a single task, you receive a message asking you to confirm the rerun.
    • If the rerun task is a job with multiple job steps or an agent with tasks, the Rerun page appears. Select the check box next to the entries you want to rerun.
    Tip: You can also rerun failed entries by clicking Rerun in the Outstanding to complete section. To rerun a single job step, in the Job section, in the Actions column, click the view run history details button View run history details icon for the failed step.