The Work Area

The work area contains the crosstabs and charts that you use to explore and analyze data. You can view your analysis as a crosstab, a chart, or a crosstab and a chart.

Analysis is a process in which you explore the relationships between items to help you understand your business. The crosstab helps you discover whether the value of one item is associated with that of another. You can quickly change, limit, or expand the items you see in the crosstab, using techniques such as filtering and drilling, to quickly focus on the most significant items.

Tip: You can use the display button  display icon on the toolbar to show only the chart, only the crosstab, or both.

What Is An Item?

An item is an element that you can manipulate in the work area. Items include rows, columns, sets, and so on. A member is a common term for an item in the dimensional hierarchy of the source tree. Members added from the source tree to your analysis are also items.