The Information Pane

The Information pane shows the name, level, attributes (if any), and aggregation associated with the selected item in the source tree, as well as any additional information provided by the data modeler.

Possible aggregation types for measures are sum, count, count distinct, count nonzero, and none.

Possible aggregation types for other items are rollup and computed.

To open or close the information pane, click the upward pointing open chevron icon or the downward pointing chevron An example of the calculate dialog box. on the right side of the pane.

You can also use the Information pane to insert a level into the crosstab.

A screenshot showing the Analysis Studio Information Pane.

Cube Update Information

Cubes are updated frequently to ensure that they contain the latest information. You can see when an IBM® Cognos® PowerCube was last updated by selecting the cube name in the Insertable Objects pane and then scrolling down to Cube updated in the Information pane. You can also add the last cube update information to the output of your analysis.

For more information, see Set the Report Options.