Finding the Items That You Need

The source tree for the package that you select can contain large amounts of data. To find the items that you need in the source tree, you can
  • expand a dimension to see successive levels and details
  • specify a greater or lesser number of items to show in the source tree
  • search for more items

The source tree shows 20 items for any one dimension at a time. You can change this value in the session to a maximum of 50.

If there are more than 20 items in the dimension, a More icon appears at the bottom of the list. Every time you click the More icon, an additional 20 items appears until you reach the maximum. Now the More icon is replaced by a Search icon. If you click this icon, you can enter your search criteria to find the items that interest you.

You can also insert a level block to insert data items that may not be visible in the source tree. In both above cases, a Retrieved items node will appear in the IBM® Cognos® Analysis Studio source tree below the Search node.