Use IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Suppression

You can suppress empty cells in individual rows and columns, all rows, all columns, or both columns and rows.

Suppression of rows or columns in a crosstab is based on the cell values in the crosstab. In nested crosstabs, if you suppress the detail rows of an inner nested item, then the outer nested item is also suppressed. This applies to all nesting levels in both rows and columns.

Access to the suppression feature depends on the settings in your modeling component, IBM® Cognos® Transformer, IBM Cognos Framework Manager, and IBM Cognos BI Administration. For more information, see the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Administration and Security Guide.

IBM Cognos Analysis Studio performs all calculations before applying suppression.

By default, Analysis Studio removes the opposite rows and columns that contain zeros and nulls. If you want to remove only nulls, from the Settings menu, click Suppress, and click Empty Cells Only.

A suppression icon next to the item label in the row, column, or overview area indicates that suppression is applied.


  1. To apply suppression throughout the crosstab where the total results in a null or zero value:
    • Click the suppress items button suppress icon on the toolbar.
    • Click one of the following: Suppress Rows and Columns, Suppress Rows Only, or Suppress Columns Only.
    • Note: The More functionality is unavailable when these are selected.

    To remove suppression, click Remove All Suppression.

  2. To apply suppression to selected rows and columns:
    • Right-click to select a row or column.
    • To remove opposite rows and columns that contain zeros and nulls, from the Suppress context menu, click Suppress Rows of Selection or Suppress Columns of Selection.
      Note: The context menu command is unavailable under certain conditions, such as when you click the outer row or column of nested rows or columns.
    • To make multiple selections, click Custom, and, in the Select Rows or Select Columns dialog, select the rows or columns against which to apply suppression.

      To remove suppression, click Remove All Suppression.