Pin the Context of a Set

When you change the Context filter section of the overview area, the values shown for the selected set also change. This includes the items that meet criteria for any applied filters, sorting, ranking, and so on. If you want the applied settings to ignore context changes, you can pin the context of the selected set.

For example, you have a crosstab showing the top three products by order method. You drag Years from the source tree to the Context filter section of the overview area. As you select different years, the top three order methods change. You are interested in the performance of a particular set of order methods. You want to compare the results for the same set in other years, so you pin the current context. Now you can select different years and keep the same set of order methods in the crosstab.


  1. Select the set whose context you want to pin.
  2. Open the properties pane.
  3. Click Definition.
  4. Click Hold Current Context hold current context icon.
  5. Click OK.


An icon current context is being held icon next to the item label in the overview area shows you that the context is pinned. To restore dynamic context, repeat steps 1 to 3 and click Use Dynamic Context.