Show Values as a Percentage

You can show values as a percentage or share of a crosstab total to quickly compare the contribution of an item to the whole.

If the crosstab contains a user-defined arithmetic calculation, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, IBM® Cognos® Analysis Studio computes the arithmetic calculation first, then applies the % of base calculation when you show values as a percentage. This is also true with exponentiation and rollup calculations.

If the crosstab contains a user-defined percentage calculation, such as percent, percent growth, percent of base, or accumulated percent, there is no change when you show values as a percentage. This is also true with statistical calculations, such as mean or standard deviation, and ranking calculations, such as rank or quartile.

For more information, see Item-based Calculations.


  1. Right-click the measures corner of the crosstab.
  2. Click Show Values As.
  3. Choose the type of percentage you want:
    • To show how each value in a row contributes to the total for the row, click % of Each Row Total.
    • To show how each value in a column contributes to the total for the column, click % of Each Column Total .
    • To show how each value in the crosstab contributes to the total for the crosstab, click % of Overall Total.
      Note: The % of Overall Total option is available only when there is one overall total for the crosstab. If you insert a stacked set, resulting in multiple totals, the values revert to the default Actual Values.
    • To restore the values, right-click the measures corner of the crosstab and click Actual Values.