Specify the Number of Details Shown in a Set

You can specify the number of rows or columns shown in a set to help you focus on the analysis by removing excessive details.

Your administrator specifies the default number and the maximum number of rows or columns shown in the crosstab. For more information, see the IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence Administration and Security Guide.

Note: To see all the items in a large set, from the Run menu, click Report Options. On the Display tab, under Expand "More", select yes, show all items in the query, then click the run button run report icon on the toolbar and view the analysis as an HTML report.


  1. Select a set.
  2. Right-click the selected set and click Properties.
  3. In the Display section of the properties pane, click Visible items.
  4. Click a number or click Custom and specify a number between 1 and 20.
    Tip: To restore the number of visible items to the default, repeat steps 1 to 3 and click Default.

    Values for the rows or columns that exceed the specified number are rolled up into a row or column named More.