Example - Find Your Top or Bottom Performers

In this topic, you learn how to find the top three products within each of the top five markets by revenue. The items returned for each of the top counts change when you change the default measure or add a context filter.

You want to know the answers to these questions:

  • What are the top five markets by revenue?
  • What are the top three products in each of the top five markets?
  • What is the effect of changing the measure or filter criteria?

If you need more help, see Insert All the Items of a Level, Limit Data to Top or Bottom Values, and Filter values using context.


  1. Create a new analysis using the Sales and Marketing (cube) package.
  2. Add the following items to the crosstab:
    • Revenue as the default measure
    • all the items in the Retailer country or region level (in Retailers) in the rows
    • Products as nested rows
    • 2004, 2005, and 2006 (in Time) in the columns
  3. Apply a top 5 rule for Retailers.
  4. Apply a top 3 rule for Products.
  5. Add Order Method as a context filter.

    See what happens to the top performers when you filter the crosstab using different order methods or when you change the default measure.

    An example of an analysis that uses custom sorting.