Adding Markers to Charts

Markers are symbols that you add to a chart to designate points of significance that can help you analyze or understand the data.

For example, you might want to add a marker to designate the time when a significant event happened, such as the date when a new product was launched.

You can add a marker to combination, progressive column, Pareto, scatter, and bubble charts.

When you define the position of the marker, you define the X- and Y-axes coordinates for the placement of the symbol. You can position the marker in the chart using the following options.



Numeric Value

Uses a static numeric value.

Query Calculation

Uses a query calculation from the same query or from a different query. For more information, see Using Relational Calculations.

Layout Calculation

Uses a layout calculation. For more information, see Using Relational Calculations.

Statistical Minimum

Uses the following expression:

25th percentile value - 1.5 * (75th percentile value - 25th percentile value)

For example, if 2.5 is the 25th percentile and 7.5 is the 75th percentile, the statistical minimum is -5 [2.5 -1.5(5) = -5].

Statistical minimum uses percentiles to determine values, and might not always appear in the chart if the values are off the axis.

Statistical Maximum

Uses the following expression:

75th percentile value + 1.5 * (75th percentile value - 25th percentile value)

For example, if 2.5 is the 25th percentile and 7.5 is the 75th percentile, the statistical maximum is 15 [7.5 +1.5(5) = 15]. Statistical maximum uses percentiles to determine values, so the marker might not always appear on the chart if its value is off the axis.


Uses the statistical mean plus or minus a number of standard deviations based on all charted data values on the specified axis.


Uses a specified percentile.

Percent on Axis

Uses a percentage of the maximum axis value.

If you apply more than one marker, you can specify the order in which they should be drawn when the report runs. If you have two markers with the same coordinates, the first one in the list is drawn first and the next one is drawn on top of the first.