Data Does Not Appear in a Target Report or the Wrong Data Appears

If no data appears when you drill through to a target report or if the wrong data appears, the problem might be data source conformance. The business keys might be different or might be mismatched.

For example, the business key for Camping Equipment might be 100 in the data source for the source report and 1 in the data source for the target report, in which case no data appears in the target report. Another example might be that the business key for Camping Equipment is 100 in the data source for the source report but, in the data source for the target report, 100 is the business key for Golf Equipment, in which case the wrong data appears in the target report.

To solve the problem, ensure that business keys have the same value in both data sources. If there are cases where data does not appear to match, contact your database administrator or data modeler.

For more information about data source conformance, search for "conformed dimensions" and "business keys" in the IBM® Cognos® Transformer User Guide.

You might also want to see Unexpected or Empty Results When Drilling Through.