
Returns the rank value of selected data items. The sort order is optional; descending order (DESC) is assumed by default. If two or more rows tie, then there is a gap in the sequence of ranked values (also known as Olympic ranking). The "<for-option>" defines the scope of the function. The "at" option defines the level of aggregation and can be used only in the context of relational datasources. Distinct is an alternative expression that is compatible with earlier versions of the product. Null values are ranked last. This function appears in the Top 10 Retailers for 2005 sample report in the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) package.


rank ( expression [ ASC|DESC ] { , expression [ ASC|DESC ] } [ at 
expression { , expression } ] [ <for-option> ] [ prefilter ] )
rank ( [ distinct ] expression [ ASC|DESC ] { , expression 
[ ASC|DESC ] } [ <for-option>] [ prefilter ] )
<for-option> ::= for expression { , expression }|for report|auto 


rank ( Sales 98 )


For each row, returns the rank value of sales for 1998 that is attributed to each sales representative. Some numbers are skipped when a tie between rows occurs.

Result data

Employee Sales 98 Rank
Gibbons 60000 1
Flertjan 50000 2
Cornel 50000 2
Smith 48000 4