Creating Charts

Before creating charts, review the available chart types to select the best chart for your needs. Also review the chart objects that make up charts.

Tip: To view the available chart types, from the File menu, click New, and then double-click the chart icon chart icon. You can also view the available chart types by adding a Chart object from the Toolbox tab in the Insertable Objects pane to an existing report.

To create charts, drag data items from the Source tab source tab to the measures, data series and categories drop zones.

Note: When you are working with dimensional data sources, do not insert member properties in the series or categories of a chart. By default, IBM® Cognos® Report Studio groups items that are inserted in these areas. Grouping member properties produces a warning when you validate the report.

To help you when creating charts, you can do the following:

After you create a basic chart, modify the various chart objects to customize your chart.