Page breaks, page sets, and page layers

You can create simple page breaks, advanced page sets, or page layers to associate pages with a query structure to force page breaks.

For example, a query contains the data item Product line, which is grouped. Creating a page set that is associated with this query adds page breaks for each product line. When working with dimensional data, you can use the Page layers area to show values on a separate page for each member.

When you are working with dimensional data, IBM® Cognos® Report Studio does not support page breaks or page sets that are based on custom groups.

Tip: The Global Bonus Report sample report in the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) package includes page sets. For more information about The Sample Outdoors Company samples, see Sample Reports and Packages.

Reports in Excel 2007 format

When you produce reports in Excel 2007 format, you can configure IBM Cognos Business Intelligence to dynamically name the Excel worksheet tabs, based on the data items that are used to break pages. For example, you specify to break pages by Product line. In Excel 2007 output, the five worksheet tabs that are generated are named Camping Equipment, Mountaineering Equipment, Personal Accessories, Outdoor Protection, and Golf Equipment. To dynamically name Excel worksheet tabs, ask your administrator to add the RSVP.EXCEL.PAGEGROUP_WSNAME_ITEMVALUE advanced setting to the report service. For more information, see the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Administration and Security Guide.

If a report contains two page sets that use the same grouping data item, the suffix _<number> is appended to the Excel tabs. For example, a report contains two page sets that use Product line as the grouping item. In the Excel output, worksheet tabs are named Camping Equipment_1, Golf Equipment_1, Camping Equipment_2, and so on. Similarly, page set header and footer pages are named Camping Equipment, Camping Equipment_2, Camping Equipment_3, and so on.

If a report contains nested page sets, worksheet tab names are a concatenation of the nested items separated by commas. For example, a report contains a page set with Product line as the grouping item. The page set has a nested page set that uses Product type as the grouping item. Examples of worksheet tab names that are generated are Camping Equipment,Cooking Gear and Camping Equipment,Lanterns.

Note: In Excel, tab names cannot exceed 30 characters. Tab names with more than 30 characters are truncated. If truncated tab names produces duplicate names, the prefix s_<worksheet indexing> is added to the names. For example, multiple pages are named Camping Equipment,Cooking Gear. The first tab name is Camping Equipment,Cooking Gea. The second tab name is s_22Camping Equipment,Cooking.