- Informix Math
- Informix Trigonometry
- cardinality
Returns the number of elements in a collection column (SET, MULTISET, LIST). - char_length
Returns the number of logical characters in "string_expression". The number of logical characters can be distinct from the number of bytes in some East Asian locales. - concat
Returns a string that is the result of concatenating, or joining, "string_expression1" to "string_expression2". - date
Returns the date value of "string_expression", "date_expression", or "integer_expression". - day
Returns an integer that represents the day of the month (1-31). - extend
Adjusts the precision of a datetime or date expression. The expression cannot be a quoted string representation of a date value. If you do not specify first and last qualifiers, the default qualifiers are year to fraction (3). If the expression contains fields that are not specified by the qualifiers, the unwanted fields are discarded. If the first qualifier specifies a larger (more significant) field than what exists in the expression, the new fields are filled in with values returned by the current function. If the last qualifier specifies a smaller (less significant) field than what exists in the expression, the new fields are filled in with constant values. A missing month or day field is filled in with 1, and missing hour to fraction fields are filled in with 0. - hex
Returns the hexadecimal encoding of "integer_expression". - initcap
Returns "string_expression" with the first letter of each word in uppercase and all other letters in lowercase. A word begins after any character other than a letter. Thus, in addition to a blank space, symbols such as commas, periods, and colons can introduce a new word. - length
Returns the number of bytes in "string_expression", not including any trailing blank spaces. For byte or text "string_expression", length returns the full number of bytes, including any trailing blank spaces. - lpad
Returns "string_expression1" left-padded by "string_expression2" to the total number of characters specified by "integer_expression". The sequence of "string_expression2" occurs as many times as necessary to make the return string the length specified by "integer_expression". - mdy
Returns a type date value with three expressions that evaluate to integers that represent the month (integer_expression1), day (integer_expression2), and year (integer_expression3). - month
Returns an integer corresponding to the month portion of "date_expression". - nvl
Returns the value of "expression1" if "expression1" is not NULL. If "expression1" is NULL, then returns the value of "expression2". - octet_length
Returns the number of bytes in "string_expression", including any trailing spaces. - replace
Returns "string_expression1" in which every occurrence of "string_expression2" is replaced by "string_expression3". If you omit the "string_expression3" option, every occurrence of "string_expression2" is omitted from the return string. - round
Returns the rounded value of "numeric_expression". If you omit "integer_expression", the value is rounded to zero digits or to the units place. The digit range of 32 (+ and -) refers to the entire decimal value. Rounding takes place before data formatting is applied. - rpad
Returns "string_expression1" right-padded by "string_expression2" to the total number of characters specified by "integer_expression". The sequence of "string_expression2" occurs as many times as necessary to make the return string the length specified by "integer_expression". - substr
Returns the substring of "string_expression" that starts at position "integer_expression1" for "integer_expression2" characters. The first character in "string_expression" is at position 1. If you omit "integer_expression2", returns the substring of "string_expression" that starts at position "integer_expression1" and ends at the end of "string_expression". - to_char
Returns the character string "date_expression" with the specified "string_expression" formatting. You can use this function only with built-in data types. - to_date
Returns "string_expression1" as a date according to the date format you specify in "string_expression2". If "string_expression1" is NULL, then a NULL value is returned. - trunc
Returns the truncated value of "numeric_expression". If you omit "integer_expression", then "numeric_expression" is truncated to zero digits or to the unit’s place. The digit limitation of 32 (+ and -) refers to the entire decimal value. - weekday
Returns an integer that represents the day of the week of "date_expression". Zero (0) represents Sunday, one (1) represents Monday, and so on. - year
Returns a four-digit integer that represents the year of "date_expression".
Parent topic: Using the expression editor