Macro Functions

This list contains functions that can be used within a macro. A macro may contain one or more macro functions. A macro is delimited by a number sign (#) at the beginning and at the end. Everything between the number signs is treated as a macro expression and is executed at run time. For macro functions that accept expressions of datatype timestamp with time zone as arguments, the accepted format is 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.ff]+hh:mm' where fractional seconds are optional and can be represented by 1 to 9 digits. In lieu of a space separating the date portion to the time portion, the character 'T' is also accepted. Also, in lieu of the time zone '+hh:mm', the character 'Z' is accepted and will be processed internally as '+00:00'. The macro functions that return expressions of datatype timestamp with time zone return 9 digits by default for their fractional seconds. The macro function timestampMask () can be used to trim the output if required.