
Identifies a cell location (intersection) based on the specified members, each of which must be from a different dimension. However, completeTuple () implicitly includes the default member from all dimensions not otherwise specified in the arguments, rather than the current member. CompleteTuple will use the default measure rather than the currentMeasure in the query if the measure is not defined in the completetuple function. This function appears in the Planned Headcount sample report in the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) package.


completeTuple ( member { , member } )

Example 1

completeTuple ( [Mountaineering Equipment] , [Fax] )


The completeTuple does not pick up the currentMember by default as the tuple function does. The values in the first column are identical across each year because the default member of the Years dimension, the root member, is used rather than the current member. Likewise, the first column displays Revenue rather than Quantity Sold because the Revenue measure is the default from the Measures dimension. CompleteTuple will use the default measure rather than the currentMeasure in the query if the measure is not defined in the completetuple function.

Result data

Qty Sold Mountaineering Sales by Fax
2004 $1,220,329.38
2005 $1,220,329.38
2006 $1,220,329.38

Example 2

completeTuple ( [Mountaineering Equipment] , [Fax] , [Quantity sold] ,
 currentMember ( [great_outdoors_company].[Years].[Years] ) )


The completeTuple function uses the currentMember of the Years dimension and the Quantity sold measure.

Result data

Qty Sold Mountaineering Sales by Fax
2004 0
2005 8,746
2006 7,860