
Defines a member based on "value_expression" in "hierarchy". "String1" identifies the member created by this function. It must be unique in the query and different from any other member in the same hierarchy. "String2" is the caption of the member; if it is absent, the caption is empty. To ensure predictable results, it is recommended that you supply the "hierarchy". Note: All calculations used as grouping items whose sibling items are other calculations or member sets should be explicitly assigned to a hierarchy using this function. The results are not predictable otherwise. The only exception is where the calculation involves only members of the same hierarchy as the siblings. In this case, the calculation is assumed to belong to that hierarchy.


member ( value_expression [ , string1 [ , string2 [ ,
 hierarchy ] ] ] )


member ( total ( currentMeasure within set filter (
 [great_outdoors_company].[Products].[Products].[Product name] ,
 caption ( [great_outdoors_company].[Products].[Products].[Product 
name] ) starts with 'B' ) ) , 'BProducts' , 'B Products' ,
 [great_outdoors_company].[Products].[Products] )


Returns the quantity sold and revenue for all products that start with the letter B.