Elements Supported in Rich Text Items

Rich text items support all XHTML character entities, such as   (non-breaking space), and the following elements: div, span, ul, ol, and li.

Each element only supports the style attribute, which must contain a valid CSS style. In addition, ul and ol elements support list-style attributes. Specifically, the ol element supports decimal, and the ul element supports circle, disc, and square, as well as list-style-image.

For example, the following code produces an unordered list entitled List: with three items. Each list item is in a different color, and the list-style attribute used is circle.

<div style="font-size:14pt; text-decoration:underline">List:</div>
<ul style="list-style-type:circle">
<li style="color:green">Item <span style="font-weight:bold">A</span></li>
<li style="color:red">Item B</li> 
<li style="color:blue">Item C</li>