
The row constructor represents a collection of values organized as a row of data. It can be used in conditional expressions (i.e. IF-THEN-ELSE) and filter expressions (i.e. IN clause).

Note: Supported only in dynamic query mode.


row ( expression_list )

Example 1

if ( row([RetailerName],[OrderMethodCode]) = row('ActiForme',4) )
then ('A')
  else ('B')


Returns 'A' if the Retailer Name is 'ActiForme' and the order method code is 4. Otherwise, the value 'B' is returned.

Example 2

case row([RetailerName],[OrderMethodCode])
  when row('Advanced 
Climbing Ltd',3) then 1
  when row('ActiForme',5) then 2
  else 3


Returns 1 if the Retailer Name is 'Advanced Climbing Ltd' and the order method code is 3. Returns 2 if the Retailer Name is 'ActiForme' and the order method code is 5. Otherwise, the value 3 is returned.

Example 3

row ( [OrderMethodCode], [Year] )  in ( [Query].[OMC], [Query].[YR] )


The returned data is filtered on the following two conditions: 1) [OrderMethodCode] in ([Query].[OMC]) 2) [Year] in ([Query].[YR])