Upgrading Reports with SAP BW Prompt Variables

When you upgrade reports that use SAP BW data sources and contain variables as prompts from version 8.3 SP2 to version 8.4 or 10.1.0, the upgrade may fail. Prompts that contained SAP BW variables are now empty. This occurs because a default setting in an IBM® Cognos® configuration file changed in version 8.4.

To successfully upgrade these reports, do one of the following:

  1. Fully qualify all of the variables in the report by changing [variable_name] to [infoquery].[variable_name].
  2. Ask your IBM Cognos administrator to change the value for the DetectSAPVariableUniqueness parameter in the configuration file, as follows:
    • In the c10_location\configuration directory, locate the qfs_config.xml file.
    • Find the DetectSAPVariableUniqueness parameter and change its value to false.
    • Save the qfs_config.xml file.
    • Restart the IBM Cognos service.

    If more than one variable with the same name exists in the package, this change may cause problems.