Customize the Color Palette of a Legacy Chart

You can use the chart palette to control the colors or patterns used in the columns, lines, data markers or areas in a chart.

Current default charts have different steps.


  1. Select the chart object.
  2. In the Color & Background section of the Properties pane, double-click the Palette property.
  3. In the Palette dialog box, click the new palette entry button to define a new palette entry:
    • To apply color, click Color, specify the color properties, and click OK.
    • To apply a gradient, click Gradient, specify the Direction, From color, and To color properties, and click OK.
    • To apply a pattern, click Pattern, specify the Pattern, Foreground color, and Background color properties, and click OK.

      Tip: You can also select a predefined palette from the Palettes box.

  4. To change the order in which the colors, gradients, or patterns appear in the chart, use the arrow buttons under the Palette box to change their position.
  5. To copy and paste a palette, open the palette dialog box and press Ctrl+C to copy the palette to the clipboard. Close the palette dialog box. Select another chart, open the palette dialog box, and press Ctrl+V to paste the palette from the clipboard.
  6. Repeat step 3 for each chart series.