Add Relational Data to a Report

Select the data items to appear in the report.

Note: We recommend using relational data in the relational reporting style. However, if you are using dimensional data, see Add Dimensional Data to a Report.

If you frequently use items from different query subjects or dimensions in the same reports, ask your modeler to organize these items into a folder or model query subject and then to republish the relevant package. For example, if you use the product code item in sales reports, the modeler can create a folder that contains the product code item and the sales items you need.


  1. From the Source tab source tab, drag each query item to the report.
    Note: A flashing black bar indicates where you can drop an item. Items inserted in the report appear on the Data Items tab data items tab.

    Other ways to select data items are to double-click each item or to right-click each item and click Insert.

  2. If you want to remove a data item from the report, select it and click the delete button delete icon. To remove the data item from the report but keep it on the Data Items tab data items tab, click the cut button instead.
  3. For more information about a query item, right-click the item in the Source tab and click Properties. For example, when working with relational data sources, the Usage property identifies the intended use for the data represented by the data item. You can also obtain more information by clicking Lineage.