Add Conditional Rendering

Add conditional rendering to specify which objects are rendered when a report is run. This is useful when your report contains sensitive data.

Conditional rendering is not the same as hiding objects. When you hide an object, the object exists but is transparent. If an object is not rendered, it is not in the report.

For a list of objects that can be rendered conditionally, see the Render Variable property in Report Studio Object and Property Reference.


  1. Select the list column to be rendered conditionally.
    Tip: You must select the list column, not the list column body or the list column title. If the body or title is selected, as indicated in the Properties pane, click the select ancestor button select ancestor icon and click the list column.
  2. In the Properties pane, double-click the Render Variable property.
  3. Click Variable and click the variable that will determine if the column will be rendered.
  4. In the Render for box, select the values that the condition will support.
    Tip: A default value exists for the variable, and it is always selected.