Change a Chart Background in a Legacy Chart

You can use a solid color, a pattern, or a gradient fill effect to customize the chart background.

You can also use an image as a background for a chart.


  1. Click the chart object.
  2. Click the unlock button unlock icon, select the chart body by clicking between the axes, and, in the Properties pane, under Color & Background, double-click the Fill Effects property.
  3. In the Effect box, choose a color, a gradient fill effect, or a pattern:
    • To apply a color, click Color and specify the color properties.
    • To apply a gradient fill effect, click Gradient and then specify the Direction, From color, and To color properties.
    • To apply a pattern effect, click Pattern and specify the Pattern, Foreground Color, and Background Color properties.

      The foreground color is the color of the selected pattern. The background color is the color of the area behind the pattern.

  4. To remove a background fill effect, click None.