Define the Cumulation Line in a Legacy Pareto Chart

The cumulation line on a Pareto chart displays the percentage of the accumulated total of all the columns or bars. For example, if your chart displays revenue by product line by year, the cumulation line at the second year's column would be the total revenue of the first and second years.

You can customize the appearance of the cumulation line and its data points.


  1. Select the Pareto chart.
  2. To hide or show the cumulation line, in the Properties pane, under Chart Annotations, set the Cumulative Line property to Show.
  3. To customize the cumulation line, click the cumulation line icon cumulation line icon and in the Properties pane, under General, set the following properties:
    • Cumulation Axis displays or hides the cumulation line's axis on the right of the Pareto chart.
    • Cumulation Label displays or hides the cumulation line label in the legend. The color and marker shape of the cumulation line still appears in the legend when this property is set to No.
    • Line Styles defines the cumulation line color, style, and weight.
    • Marker Size (pt) defines the size of the markers along the cumulation line in points.
    • Marker Shape defines the shape of the markers along the cumulation line.
    • Values specifies whether to show or hide the values for the markers along the cumulation line.
    • Value Location defines the location of the marker values.