You can customize the instructional text that appears around
prompts. For example, a value prompt with multiple selections includes
a Select all link below the choices that you
can customize to text other than Select all.
You can also specify translated text in many languages for international
report users.
- Click the prompt control.
- To change the default prompt text, in the Properties pane,
double-click any of the properties under Prompt Text.
Note: When you select a property in the Properties pane,
its description appears in the information pane below the Properties pane.
- Click Specified text, and then click the ellipsis button.
- In the Localized Text dialog box,
type the text that you want to appear.
- To add customized text for other languages:
- Click Add.
- Select the countries and regions for which you want to specify
localized text and click OK.
- To specify text for a country and region, select the country and
region and click Edit, and then type the localized
text in the text box.