Define the Drill Behavior

This example has three parts: creating the target report, creating the source report, and defining the drill behavior.


  1. From the Data menu, click Drill Behavior.
  2. On the Basic tab, under Report output drill capabilities, select the Allow this report to be a package-based drill-through source check box and click OK.
  3. Right-click the chart object and click Drill-Through Definitions.
  4. Click New Drill Through.
  5. Under Report, click the ellipsis button.
  6. Select the Product Line Details report you created and click Open.
  7. Under Action, click Run the Report.
  8. Under Format, click HTML.
  9. Click the edit button edit icon.

    Any existing drill-through parameters appear. You see the parameter you created for Product Line Details.

  10. For item p_PL, under Method, click Pass data item value, and under Value, click Product line.
  11. Save the chart as Product Revenue.
  12. Run the report.


The chart shows the product lines as clickable links. When you click a product line, the second report runs for that product line.