Create the target report

This example has three parts: creating the target report, creating the source report, and defining the drill behavior.


  1. Open IBM® Cognos® Report Studio with the GO Data Warehouse (query) package.
  2. In the Welcome dialog box, click Create a new report or template.
  3. In the New dialog box, click List and click OK.
  4. From the Source tab source tab, expand Sales and Marketing (query), Sales (query), and Product.
  5. Double-click the following data items to add them to the list:
    • Product line
    • Product type
    • Product name
    • Introduction date
    • Product image

    Now you must create a filter to use as a drill-through parameter. A drill-through parameter begins and ends with a question mark (?) symbol.

  6. Click the filters button filter icon.
  7. Click the add button add icon and type the following in the Expression Definition window:

    [Sales (query)].[Product].[Product line]=?p_PL?

  8. Save the report as Product Line Details.