Customize the Items in the Legend of a Legacy Chart

If your legend includes items that are too long, you can truncate long legend items at a specific number of characters. For example, if you want an ellipsis to appear at the end of each truncated legend item, type ... in the Truncation text box.

You can also show the values of the data items in your legend and customize the legend title.


  1. Select the legend.
  2. To truncate the legend text, do the following:
    1. In the Properties pane, under General, set the Auto Truncation property to Yes.
    2. In the Properties pane, under General, set the Auto Truncation property to Yes.
    3. In the Maximum Characters property, type the number of characters to appear before the text is truncated.
    4. In the Truncation Text property, type the characters to append when the text is truncated.
    5. To shrink the font of the legend item text until all the text fits in the legend, select the Shrink font as needed check box.
    6. To specify text to appear at the end of truncated legend items, type it in the Truncation text box.
  3. To show the values of legend items within the legend, do the following:
    1. In the Properties pane, under General, set the Show Legend Values property.

      First Value and Last Value refer to the first and last item in the child set under the legend data item. Minimum Value and Maximum Value refer to the lowest and highest value in the child set under the legend data item.

    2. If you show multiple values and want to change the separator between the values, type a new separator in the Separator property.
  4. To customize the title of the legend, do the following:
    1. Click the default legend title area in the work area.
    2. In the Properties pane, under General, set the Default Title property to No.
    3. Double-click the default legend title area in the work area and type the new title.