Example - Create a Report with Multiple Items in One Column

You are a report author at The Sample Outdoors Company, which sells sporting equipment. You are requested to create a list report showing the name, position, email address, phone number, extension, and fax number for each sales representative in each city organized by country or region. To reduce the number of columns in the list, you show email addresses, phone numbers, extensions, and fax numbers in a single column.


  1. Open IBM® Cognos® Report Studio with the GO Data Warehouse (query) package.
  2. In the Welcome dialog box, click Create a new report or template.
  3. In the New dialog box, click List and click OK.
  4. From the Source tab source tab, expand HR (query), Employee summary (query), and Employee by region. Add the following data items to the list by double-clicking them:
    • Country or Region
    • City
    • Employee name
    • Position name
    • Email
    • Work phone
    • Extension
    • Fax
  5. Click the Country or Region column and, from the Structure menu, click Section section icon.
  6. From the Structure menu, ensure that the report is unlocked
  7. Click Country or Region and, in the Properties pane, double-click the Font property.
  8. Change the font to Arial Black, 11 pt, and Bold, and then click OK.
  9. From the Toolbox tab toolbox tab, drag Table to the right of the Work phone text item in the first row of Work phone column and create a table that has one column and three rows.
  10. Drag the following data items to the table:
    • Email to the first row
    • Work phone to the second row
    • Fax to the third row
  11. Drag Extension to the right of Work phone in the table.
  12. From the Toolbox tab, drag Text Item to the left of each item in the table and type the following for each item, putting a blank space before and after the text:
    • Email:
    • Work phone:
    • ext:
    • Fax:
  13. Ctrl+click the Extension, Email, and Fax column titles and click the delete button delete icon.
  14. Click the Work phone column title.
  15. In the Properties pane, click the Source Type property and click Text.
  16. Double-click the Text property.
  17. Type the following and click OK:

    Contact Information

  18. Select the Work phone data item in the first row of the list above the table and click the delete button.
  19. Double-click the text item in the page header, type the following, and click OK:

    Sales Representatives Contact List

  20. From the Structure menu, click Lock Page Objects.

    The report is locked.

  21. Run the report.


Contact information for each sales representative appears in a single column.
Figure 1. List showing the city, employee name, position, and contact information for Australia
the final list showing the city, employee name, position, and contact information for Australia