Example - Preparing a Product List Report

You are a report author at The Sample Outdoors Company, which sells sporting equipment. You are requested to create a multiple-page report showing all products sold by the company. You are asked to create title and end pages and to have each product line appear on a new page preceded by a header page and followed by a footer page.


  1. Open IBM® Cognos® Report Studio with the GO Data Warehouse (query) package.
  2. In the Welcome dialog box, click Create a new report or template.
  3. In the New dialog box, click List and click OK.
  4. From the Source tab source tab, expand Sales and Marketing (query), Sales (query), and Product, and double-click the following:
    • Product line
    • Product type
    • Product name
  5. Expand Sales fact and double-click Product cost.
  6. Group the Product line and Product type columns.
  7. Pause the pointer over the page explorer button page explorer icon and click Report Pages.
  8. From the Toolbox tab toolbox tab, drag Page Set to the work area and associate it to Query1.
  9. From the Toolbox tab, drag Page to the work area four times to add four new pages.
  10. For each page, click the page, and in the Properties pane, set the Name property as follows:
    • Title page
    • End page
    • Product Line Header
    • Product Line Footer
  11. For each page you just created, add objects.

    For example, add a text item to each page to uniquely identify it.

  12. Rename the Page1 page, which contains the list, to List.
  13. Click the page set and, in the Properties pane, double-click the Grouping & Sorting property.
  14. In the Data Items box, drag Product line to the Groups folder in the Groups box and click OK.
  15. Organize the report pages into the following hierarchy by dragging them to the appropriate location.
    1. Insert Title page as the first page in the report, before the page set.
    2. In the page set, insert the Product Line Header page after Product line.
    3. In the Detail Pages folder of the page set, insert the List page.
    4. Insert the Product Line Footer page after the List page, at the same level in the hierarchy as the Product Line Header page.
    5. Insert End page after the Product Line Footer page, at the same level in the hierarchy as Title page.
    Figure 1. Hierarchy of pages in a report
    the page hierarchy showing title page, page set1, product line, product line header, detail pages, list, product line footer, and end page


When you run the report, the following pages appear:
  • Title page
  • Product line header page
  • A page for Product line_1
  • Product line footer page
  • Product line header
  • A page for Product line_2
  • Product line footer
  • ...
  • End page