Pull Out Pie Slices in a Current Default Pie Chart

You can highlight pie slices by pulling them out from the rest of the pie. For example, the following chart shows revenue by product line with slices of less than 1,000,000,000 in revenue pulled out by 25%.

Figure 1. Exploding slices in a pie chart
a pie chart displaying revenue by product line with slices of less than 1,000,000,000 in revenue pulled out by 25%


  1. Select the pie chart object.
  2. In the Properties pane, under General, double-click the Exploded Slices property.
  3. In the Exploded Slice dialog box, click the new button new button.
  4. In the Exploded amount box, type the percentage by which the slice should appear away from the rest of the pie.

    0% displays the pie slice in the pie; 100% displays the pie slice as far out from the rest of the pie as possible.

  5. Define which slice to pull out:
    • To select a slice to pull out using its slice index, under Exploded slice, click Slice number and type the slice number.

      The slice number refers to the order of the slice in the legend. In the previous example, Camping Equipment has a slice number of 1 and Personal Accessories has a slice number of 5.

    • To select a slice to pull out using a calculation, under Exploded slice, click Expression and click the ellipsis beside the Expression box to define an expression.

      In the previous example, the expression that defines which slices to pull out is as follows: [Query1].[Revenue] < 100000000.

    The slice definitions appear in the Exploded Slices list.

  6. To pull out other slices, repeat steps 3 to 5.