Summarize Small Slices, Bars, or Columns in Current Default Charts

You can summarize the smaller slices or bars in charts to avoid having many tiny slices or bars. For example, if your pie chart shows revenue by product and 10 of your products have less than 1% of the pie, you can summarize these 10 slices into one larger slice and name that slice Other.

Similarly, you can summarize small items in a column, bar, area, and line chart.

You cannot summarize small slices or items in charts that have matrix edges or in charts that have multiple numeric axes.


  1. Select the chart object.
  2. In the Properties pane, under General, double-click the Summarize Small Slices or Summarize Small Items property.
  3. To summarize small slices or items up to a maximum number, select the Maximum number of slices or Maximum number of items check box and type the maximum number.
  4. To summarize all the slices or bars that are smaller than a specific value, select the Summarize slices smaller than a value or Summarize items smaller than a value check box, type a value that represents the upper size limit, and choose whether the value is a percentage or absolute.
  5. Under Small slice summarization type or Small item summarization type, choose whether to summarize the slices or items as a Total or Average.
    Note: Averages are calculated using only the summarized items in the report.
  6. Under Slice label or Item label, type a label for the one large slice, bar, area, or line that summarizes the smaller ones.