Page Properties

Page properties appear on the Layout and Content and Page Style tabs of the Set properties page.

The following table describes the page properties that are available.

Table 1. Page properties



Number of columns

The number of columns used to organize the content of a page.

Up to three columns can be used.


Type of content added to a page.

Use to add and remove portlets, distribute the portlets between the columns, change the order of columns and specify their width.


The language in which the page title and instructions can be typed. It should match the product language.


The page title. You can format the title by changing the font and character style, and the text alignment. To return to the default browser settings, click Return to default. To modify the default settings, click Custom.

You can hide the title.


Additional information about the page. You can format the text of instructions by changing the font and character style, and the text alignment. To return to the default browser settings, click Return to default. To modify the default settings, click Custom.

You can hide the instructions.

Portlet style

The way a portlet appears on a page. To avoid cluttering the page, you can hide the portlet borders, title bars, and the edit button on the title bar.