Cognos Namespace

The Cognos® namespace is the IBM® Cognos software built-in namespace. It contains the IBM Cognos objects, such as groups, roles, data sources, distribution lists, and contacts.

During the content store initialization, built-in and predefined security entries are created in this namespace Initial security. You must modify the initial security settings for those entries and for the Cognos namespace immediately after installing and configuring IBM Cognos software Security settings after installation.

You can rename the Cognos namespace using IBM Cognos Configuration, but you cannot delete it. The namespace is always active.

When you set security in IBM Cognos software, you may want to use the Cognos namespace to create groups and roles that are specific to IBM Cognos software. In this namespace, you can also create security policies that indirectly reference the security entries in authentication providers so that IBM Cognos software can be more easily deployed from one installation to another Security and Deployment.

The Cognos namespace always exists in IBM Cognos software, but the use of Cognos groups and roles it contains is optional. The groups and roles created in the Cognos namespace repackage the users, groups, and roles existing in the authentication providers to optimize their use in the IBM Cognos environment. For example, in the Cognos namespace, you can create a group called HR Managers and add to it specific users and groups from your corporate IT and HR organizations defined in your authentication provider. Later, you can set access permissions for the HR Managers group to entries in IBM Cognos software.