DB2 Connection Parameters

You specify connection parameters when you create a data source or modify a data source connection.

For more information, see Data Source Creation and Add or Modify a Data Source Connection.

Table 1. DB2 connection parameters



DB2 database name

Enter the name (alias) of the DB2® database that was used when the DB2 client was configured.

DB2 connect string

Optional. Enter name/name value pairs that the DB2 CLI or ODBC vendors can accept.

Collation sequence

Enter the collation sequence to be included in the database connection string.

Collation sequences are required only in rare cases where there may be sorting discrepancies between IBM® Cognos® BI and a database. The Cognos query engine can detect certain types of collation sequences in a DB2 database, including 1252-IDENTITY and 1252-UNIQUE. Sorting between local processing and database processing is consistent if the DB2 database is set to one of these collation sequences.

Open asynchronously

Not used.

Trusted context

Select this check box to allow IBM Cognos BI to attempt a trusted connection to an appropriately configured DB2 server. For more information, refer to the DB2 administration documentation.

If you select this check box with a client or server that does not support the feature, you may get a connection error or a report execution error.


Specify the time in seconds within which you want the database to connect or wait for your reply before timing out. Valid entries are zero to 32,767. To have the database wait indefinitely, enter zero, which is the default.


For more information on signon, see Securing data sources.

If no authentication is required, click No authentication.

If authentication is required, click Signons.

If a user ID and password is required in the connection string, select the User ID check box.

If a password is required, select the Password check box and enter the password in the Password and Confirm password boxes.

To create a user ID and password that automatically connects to the data source, click Create a signon that the Everyone group can use. Enter the User ID and then enter the password in the Password and Confirm password boxes.