Create the Required Directories

After the custom Welcome page is created, you must save it in a directory that can be accessed by IBM® Cognos® software.

We recommend that you place your file in a directory that is separate from your IBM Cognos installation.

If you create your page as a set of HTML pages, you can set up a virtual directory for your custom Welcome page. For example, you can create the my_welcome virtual directory in c10_location\my_welcome, where my_welcome is the location of your custom Welcome page, and grant read permissions for the directory.

After the virtual directory is set up, you can save the custom Welcome page in it. If you create custom pages for different locales and styles, you must create directories for each locale and style. The directories must be named after the style and locale.

For example, if you want to provide a custom Welcome page for the English, French, German, and Japanese locales for all the predefined styles, you must create the following directory structure for each of the en, fr, de, and ja locales, where my_welcome is the virtual directory, and then copy the individual custom Welcome pages into the proper directories.

For more information about setting up virtual directories, see the Installation and Configuration Guide.