CSV Properties and Values

The following table describes the CSV properties that you can modify. If a property is not specified or its value is empty, the default setting is used.
Table 1. CSV format properties you can modify




The encoding used for CSV output.

Enter a supported encoding value Supported Encoding Values. LOCALE Encoding is derived from the content locale.

The default value is utf-16le.


The field delimiter character used for CSV output.

Enter one of the following:

  • a single character

    If you enter more than one character, only the first character is used.

  • TAB (tab)

    This is the default value.


The string qualifier used for CSV output. This property is only used in the report output if there are one or more special characters in the queried data. The property is used to specify an escape character to handle the special character(s).

The default value is " (quotation mark).

Enter a single character. If you enter more than one character, only the first character is used.

If the qualifier appears as part of your data, it is duplicated. For example, if the qualifier is a quotation mark and your data is ab"cd, the CSV output is "ab""cd".


The line terminator used for CSV output.

Enter one of the following values:

  • CR (carriage return)
  • LF (line feed)

    This is the default value.

  • CRLF (carriage return/line feed)
  • LFCR (line feed/carriage return)
If you enter more than one value, only the first value is used.


The MIME type attributed to the CSV output.

The default value is:



Specifies whether to repeat the edge labels in a nested crosstab report. For example, a crosstab has years in the rows and order method nested within years. You can show the year label in each order method row or only in the top row for each year.

The values are:

  • True

    The crosstab edge labels are repeated.

  • False (default)

    The crosstab edge labels are not repeated.