Changing IBM Cognos Fonts

IBM® Cognos® style sheets specify text fonts that are suitable for UTF-8-encoded text.

Relative font sizes are specified for interface text elements. Point sizes are specified for report text elements and form controls (input fields).

All text strings except the banner, company, and portal strings are language-sensitive. However, no banner string is used in IBM Cognos Connection.

You can change the fonts used in IBM Cognos software by modifying the font-family list in the file c10_location/webcontent/skins/style/fonts.css where style represents the style directory. For more information, see Predefined Styles. Modify the fonts.css file associated with the style you want.

For example, you can change the default font used on all HTML interfaces, except Report Studio, to one more suited to rendering special Asian characters. Open the file fonts.css in a text editor, comment out the section that shows Tahoma as the first item in the font-family list, and then remove the comment from an entry that better meets your Unicode requirements.

Note: Font changes do not apply to Report Studio, which has a separate font-setting style sheet. For more information, see Modifying the Report Studio Style Sheets.