Sales and marketing

Data about sales and marketing is available for all of the companies in the Sample Outdoors group.

GO Accessories has richer details to support analysis examples. For example, see the Revenue vs % Profit Margin by Product Brand analysis, based on the Sales and Marketing cube. Marketing and sales campaigns are tied to the Sample Outdoors regional companies.

Overall, the GO companies have experienced solid growth across most product lines (Sales Growth Year Over Year), in all regions (Revenue by GO Subsidiary 2011), because of factors like an increase in repeat business and new or improved products, such as the high margin sunglasses product line. In the product lines sold by the five regional companies (all but GO Accessories) promotions have had mixed success (Promotion Success by Campaign, Bundle and Quarter). If you use Metric Studio, this can also be seen in the sample metrics.

Customer surveys

The data also contains information from customer surveys. For example, the product line that includes bug spray, sun screen, and so on has not been successful (Product Satisfaction - Outdoor Protection 2011) and a source of retailer dissatisfaction may be the level of customer service rather than the returns (Customer Returns and Satisfaction). If you use Metric Studio, this information can also be monitored in metrics.

Sales outlets

Revenue from the corporate outlets is available at the transaction level. Revenue from the franchise outlets is available at the consolidated level only (Sales and Marketing cube). Metrics about retailers show that the number of new retail outlets has dropped over the time period covered by this data.

GO Accessories sells worldwide, and sells only accessories. Transaction data for GO Accessories is the primary source for analysis of product by brand, color and size. The other five subsidiaries in the group of companies are regional and sell all product lines for retailers in their region. For example, the report Top 10 Retailers in 2011 uses sparklines and list data to review revenues at the retailer level.