Report viewer

When the VoiceOver feature is enabled on your iOS mobile device, you can use Cognos® Mobile keyboard shortcuts to navigate IBM® Cognos Business Intelligence in the report viewer.

In the My Reports space, you view reports in the report viewer. Keyboard shortcuts trigger different actions that depend on which mode you are in. The modes are default and draw.

Default mode

In default mode, use the following keyboard shortcuts to perform the following actions:

Table 1. Report viewer, default mode keyboard shortcuts
Action Keyboard shortcut
Close or minimize the report viewer. When drilling through, go back to the source. Ctrl+X
Open or close the page picker. Ctrl+P
Open or close the actions menu. Ctrl+A
Enter draw mode. Ctrl+D
Go to the next page. Ctrl+. (>)
Go to the previous page. Ctrl+, (<)

Draw mode

In draw mode, use the following keyboard shortcuts to perform the following actions:

Table 2. Report viewer, draw mode keyboard shortcuts
Action Keyboard shortcut
Discard changes and exit draw mode. Ctrl+D
Share a report with annotation. Ctrl+M
When the Draw Box menu is open, increase the Draw Box width by 10 pixels. Ctrl+W
When the Draw Box menu is open, decrease the Draw Box width by 10 pixels. Ctrl+Shift+W
When the Draw Box menu is open, increase the Draw Box height by 10 pixels. Ctrl+H
When the Draw Box menu is open, decrease the Draw Box height by 10 pixels. Ctrl+Shift+H
When the Draw Box menu is open, exit the Draw Box menu. Ctrl+X