Job Properties

Job properties appear on the Job tab of the Set properties page.

The following table describes the job properties that are available.

Table 1. Job properties




A list of steps in the job.

Submission of steps

Whether to run job tasks all at once or in sequence.

Defaults for all steps

Set default values at the job level. Click Set, then specify the defaults for all steps of the job. If no defaults are set, the defaults for the individual steps are used.

Run history details level

Click All to save the complete history details for the job steps when the run activity completes successfully. The complete history details for the job steps includes Name, Request time, Start time, Completion time, Status.

Click Limited to save limited run history details for the job. The limited run history details include the job start time, completion time, status and messages.

If the job run fails, the complete history details are saved. The default is All.

The Run history details level setting for the job overrides the settings of the job steps.