UI Element Names

UI elements identify each section of the login page, including the input fields and captions in a section, if they exist. Each UI element is customizable.

You customize each UI element using the UI element name that references the element. For example, to customize the namespace label so that the standard text is replaced by bilingual text, you edit the namespace label element using the UI element name, %CL_PROMPT_namespace_label%, in the template as follows:

<div id="%CL_PROMPT_namespace_label%">Namespace /

The following is a list of the UI element names that are available:

Table 1. Customizing the login page, UI elements available

Element name



Inserts the header section in the template

Usage: Content


Inserts the prompt section in the template

Usage: Content


Inserts the footer section in the template

Usage: Content


References the namespace label input field

Usage: Prompt label


References the username label input field

Usage: Prompt label


References the password label input field

Usage: Prompt label


References the old password label input field

Usage: Prompt label


References the new password label input field

Usage: Prompt label


References the new password confirmation input field

Usage: Prompt label


References the select a namespace information message

Usage: Prompt context message


References the enter user's credentials information message

Usage: Prompt context message



References the bad credential error message

Usage: Prompt context message


References the password has expired information message

Usage: Prompt context message


References the general information or error message

Usage: Prompt context message