Metric Maintenance Tasks

Metric packages have default metric maintenance tasks available for importing and transferring data.

You can run these tasks as they are, modify them to fit your organization's needs, or create new import tasks.

These default tasks are available in your metric package, in the Metric maintenance folder.

Clear Staging Area Rejected Data Logs

Use this metric task to clear the rejects tables. The rejects tables are not cleared automatically after you reload the metadata and data. Each time there are rejects, they are added to the tables. You will need to clear the tables from time to time to prevent them from becoming too large. Do this after you finish troubleshooting and want to begin a new load.

Clear Audit History

Use this metric task to clear all existing audit log data from metric data store.

Clear Data Store Metric History and Calendar Data

Use this task to delete actual, target, and user-defined column values. This option also deletes any other calendar-dependent data, such as comments, actions, and mappings from PowerCube cells to metrics. Use this option when you want to change the calendar. You must then re-create the calendar before you can use the metric package again.

Warning: Clearing data store metric history and calendar data completely reinitializes the metric package database. All work will be lost.

Clear Data Store Metric History Data Only

Use this task to delete only actual, target, and user-defined column values.

Recalculate Data Store Derived Values

Use this task to recalculate scores and compute derived values and summary data in the data store. You should run this task after you load data into the data store, or after manually adding data. Concurrent recalculate processes are not permitted. This task also updates the search index.

Synchronize Data Store Users With External Namespace

Use this task to copy user information from an external namespace to the metric store.

Update Search Engine Index

Use this task to maintain the index used for searching in Metric Studio. You should run this task after loading or entering new data, to ensure new objects are indexed for searching.