Cognos Mobile advanced settings

You can use some of the advanced settings to manage various functions related to IBM® Cognos® Mobile.

Advanced settings are a property of the configuration object. The settings might not appear in the list of settings for a new installation, but if you add them, the Mobile service retains and uses them, even if you upgrade your installation.

The following advanced settings can be configured for IBM Cognos Mobile:

Specifies the maximum number of connections that are allowed for the Cognos Mobile service to communicate with the content store database. You can change connection pool settings to increase performance.

Value: 1 to 999

Default: 5

Specifies the time interval, in days, after which the client iPad devices that are not connected to the Cognos Mobile server are marked as inactive. The devices no longer receive push notifications, and any existing device data might no longer be usable.

Value: 1 to 365

Default: 45

Specifies the maximum size of the thread pool on the server that is used to manage IBM Cognos Mobile operations.

Value: 1 to 999

Default: 20

For information about defining the advanced settings, see Specifying Cognos Mobile advanced settings.

Important: Do not change or remove the advanced setting _internal.