Parameterized URL Method

The parameterized URL method performs tasks or starts specific components using parameters typed in the Web browser address bar.

Using both get and post methods, the launch.xts or cc.xts parameter starts the specified IBM® Cognos BI component.

This method requires that the parameters use the following format:


The ArgumentName parameter specifies the type, and the ArgumentValue parameter specifies the value of the called arguments. All names and values must be character strings.

This method is easier to begin using than the cognosLaunch method because it does not require advance preparation. However, the longer URL-encoded entries are restrained by browser character limits.

You can use these commands to browse content in IBM Cognos® Connection or view pages in IBM Cognos Viewer.

Mandatory Parameterized URL Parameters

If you are using the parameterized URL method to start any component, you must use the following parameters with this syntax:


followed by the specific component parameters you want to use.

If you want to start IBM Cognos Viewer using the parameterized URL method, use the following parameters with this syntax:


If you want to start IBM Cognos Connection using the parameterized URL method, use the following URL:


The mandatory building blocks for parameterized URL commands are as follows:

  • gateway

    This is the mandatory argument value that specifies the IBM Cognos BI gateway. The gateway name in this example is http://server/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi?.

    IBM Cognos Application Firewall validation is enforced on URLs that contain this parameter. For more information see, URL Validation.


    Identifies the action. To specify IBM Cognos Viewer, use b_action=cognosViewer. For more information see, Starting IBM Cognos Viewer.

  • m=portal/launch.xts&ui.tool=tool_name

    Identifies the IBM Cognos BI component interface that displays the result. To start IBM Cognos Connection, use m=portal/cc.xts.

  • ui.action

    Specifies the action to take. Acceptable values for the Studio components are new and edit. The default is new. Acceptable values for IBM Cognos Viewer are run and view. The default is view.