IBM Cognos Navigator

Use this portlet to browse a list of links that open published IBM® Cognos® reports and other entries.

The following table shows the properties that you can change.

Table 1. Cognos Navigator portlet properties




Specifies the title of the portlet. If no title is specified, the folder name is used by default.

You can specify a title for each supported language version of the product.

Note: The title does not appear in WebSphere®, WCI, and SAP portals.


Specifies the product language version in which the title appears. You can assign the same title for multiple language versions.


Specifies the location where the portlet navigation begins.


Specifies how entries are shown:

  • To show a list of entry names, use the Navigator list view. This is the default view.
  • To show entry names and detailed information, such as the last modification date, use the Navigator details view. Links open more detailed information about the entry.
  • To show URLs and shortcuts in an RSS-type format, use the News list view.

    RSS is a way of showing URLs in a Web page as short summaries that contain links to the associated pages.

Open links

Specifies how the links in this portlet are opened. You can

  • open and navigate the linked entries in a new browser window.

    This is the default option.

  • open and navigate the linked entries in the currently opened browser window. This option is only available when the page containing IBM Cognos Navigator is added as a portal tab in Cognos Connection.
  • open and navigate the linked entries in a specified HTML frame.

    Type the name of the window or frame in the provided text box.

  • open and navigate the linked entries in the IBM Cognos Viewer portlet.

    Type the channel name as specified in IBM Cognos Viewer.

Open navigation links inside this portlet

Specifies whether to maximize the portlet view when navigating the folder hierarchy.

Features to expose in the Navigator views

Specifies how the IBM Cognos entries are shown in this portlet:

  • To show or hide the parent entry of the starting folder in the IBM Cognos folder hierarchy, use the Parent in path check box.
  • To show or hide the Actions column for the entries, and view the content of container entries in source applications, use the Actions check box.
  • To show or hide the modification date and description of entries in applicable views, use the Additional information check box.
  • To specify in how many columns you want the entries to appear in the details view, use the Number of columns in a details view check box.

    The default is 2 for the normal portlet view, and 4 for the maximized portlet view.

You can specify a different view for normal and maximized windows.

Note: The maximized view is not available in SharePoint Portal Server.

Number of entries

Specifies the maximum number of entries to show per page.

The menu bar in the portlet shows how many entries are available for a folder.


Specifies whether separators are used in a list view.

To make long lists of entries easier to read, use alternating background colors to separate the entries in the list.

How To Modify the Properties

To modify the properties for this portlet, click the edit button to open the properties page. If the edit button is disabled or not visible, the administrator did not make these settings available to you. For more information, see Control Access to Portlets.

In the portlet properties page, to reset the default portlet settings, or to return to the settings specified by your administrator, click the reset button Reset icon in the portlet title bar. To exit the properties page without saving the changes, click the return button Return icon or click Cancel.

  • In SAP Enterprise Portal, portlets are named iViews. This document may refer to iViews as portlets.
  • In Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server, portlets are named Web Parts. This document may refer to Web Parts as portlets.